



2015年4月24日 60min



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  As part of efforts to give its younger workers an incentive to acquire skills that will benefit their future careers at the company, Sony Corp. said Friday it will allow its junior employees to study abroad for two years.
  The stepped-up assistance for employees’ overseas study represents the centerpiece of the struggling electronics giant’s move to overhaul its personnel system for the first time in a decade.
  The new system, which came into effect this month, will allow Sony employees interested in pursuing education abroad to realize their goal, and will include partial subsidies of up to \500,000 for study-related travel.

  The initiative is technically available to all full-time employees, but it mainly targets junior staff, said Sony spokesman Haruka Kitagawa.“We hope our employees will make the best use of what they learned while studying overseas once they come back to Japan — which I think will help invigorate the entire workforce,”Kitagawa said.
  He also said the move, which essentially allows employeesto balance work and education more effectively, will hopefullyhelp participants to stay motivated, retain their loyalty to the company and raise their productivity.

  To qualify, applicants need to convince the company that they would gain from studying overseas, such as in terms of skills or qualifications that would be useful in their future careers. They won’t be eligible if their study plan is deemed unrelated to their careers, or if their motive is solely for political or religious purposes.
  The same assistance is available to employees who wish to return to study full-time in Japan. To better motivate its younger ranks, starting this month the firm has also ditched its traditional seniority-based salary system, paving the way for more promotions based on individual competence rather than age or experience.

First published in The Japan Times on April 18.









