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All households in Japan that possess a TV set are legally obliged to pay subscription fees to NHK regardless of whether they watch the public broadcaster’s programs. An engineering professor at Tsukuba University is now challenging that, with a device that filters out NHK’s broadcast signal.
Around 130 of the devices have been sold so far, mostly through online retailers, according to Hideki Kakeya, an associate professor of systems engineering at Tsukuba University in Ibaraki Prefecture.
The device filters out NHK signals only, thereby giving users the option of legally refusing to pay the subscription fee, he said. The filter for terrestrial broadcasting, which measures 7.5 cm by 2.1 cm, costs ¥7,965, while one designed for BS programs, 6 cm by 2.1 cm, costs ¥7,587.
Article 64 of the Broadcast Law stipulates that “a person who has installed equipment capable of receiving NHK broadcasts is mandated to reach a subscription contract (with NHK),” giving the broadcaster a legal basis for charging the monthly fees of ¥1,225 for terrestrial broadcasting programs and ¥2,170 for BS programs.
NHK said in a written statement to The Japan Times that the broadcaster is aware of Kakeya’s filter, but people using it are still mandated to pay subscription fees.
“The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has said that TV sets that have been altered so as not to receive NHK signals will be subject to contracts (with NHK) if they can be restored to the original state,” NHK said. “TV sets that have their antennas removed and have temporarily lost access to NHK broadcasts also need to have a contract, because access will return if the antennas are re-connected. Therefore, it’s our position that (people using) an antenna that is capable of cutting NHK signals need to subscribe.”
First published in The Japan Times on June 15.
料金プラン: ライトプラン(1ヶ月/900円)
記事閲覧本数: 50本まで/月
申し込み方法: 下記アドレスより申し込み可能(英語画面からJapanese/ 日本語ページを選択)
支払い方法: クレジット払い